Actual production over? Nope.
After this little cast and crew screening in the depths of the show cave, where members of the posse, who hadn’t seen the movie like a thousand times, finally got their little peek. Super human man of a thousand jobs Kelly Jones, pointed something out. We needed inserts of characters, who after appearing early in the film, come back much later. There’s dialog in the movie summoning said characters to their destinations, but with out a visual, said characters were getting lost in the audience’s mind.
Real Deal goes into producer mode and a time is set to shoot inserts of LUCKY and EDDIE.
The day starts at the Real Deal’s ‘secret’ hideout parking lot, where a little set of Lucky’s lair has been built with some flats. Kelly Jones, Raz, and the actors arrive, joining Lord and Lady Deal, ready to DO THIS.
RD begins dressing the set, Kelly starts lighting for the movie camera, Raz sets up the behind the scenes camera, the actors put on their make up, Lady Deal is helping all.
After a tweaking issue with the monitor, we begin shooting Lucky. Since no sound or coverage is needed, everything goes quick and smooth for a change. Main issue being making sure the action syncs with the dialog we’ll be L-cutting over, being at picture lock means messing with that now would cause all kinds of work flow issues later.
As the set for Eddie is being set up we decide to take advantage of having an actor in character and having a set. So proceed with interviews of Lucky the character and Lucky the actor.
Next is Eddie’s insert. RD’s created a little intentionally low budget looking video shoot for Eddie to rock out to, we got this custom guitar from Hot Picks USA, Kelly is positioned way up high in his shooting perch. Away we go. Once again, no audio or coverage, so all goes well.
Kelly has recently become the kingpin of Wrightwood, so just having him around makes Raz suggest we interview him for the EPK. In typical KJ fashion, sound bite after sound bite flows out of his lips. The Deal does an interview as well and we wrap.
Easiest day ever.... MONTHS after we ‘thought’ shooting was wrapped.
PS.... these inserts have been dropped into the time line and work great.