Sunday, September 20, 2009

Why the heck are we even doing this???

Why? Why would anyone put endless hours of hard to work into making a movie with about a 99.99999% chance of NOT getting any theatrical release, any kind of distribution, hell, this flick will most likely not even be seen by anyone except for our friends. There’s no stars, no blood nor gore, nudity, special effects. Ain’t no genre film, which ya pretty much have to do on an ultra low budget, right? Why? Why all this thankless work, only to get shut down, ignored, and rejected. That’s what THEY tell you.

Well? Why not? Sometimes a few seemingly insane people are just crazy enough to actually make a movie. Wait for it.... just for the sake for making the damn thing. It’s liberating in a way, not having to answer to anyone, feeling free to push boundaries, creating on your own terms. Why the heck do we it in the first place? Ah, because we love it. Struggling through a project facilitates building relationships, provides a vehicle to show what one can do outside a system dictating what it thinks the market thinks is cool. One might call it TAKING THE POWER BACK... even, yes even, if it only amounts to manifesting the artistic passion within ourselves. Can I get an Amen?


  1. Amen to taking the power back. Why not? Are you afraid?

  2. AMEN to that brother - I dig what your laying down!!

  3. amen, but you're gonna have to console lucky when he finds out about the no nudity part.

  4. Lucky is won't be back in California until after 2012.... that Mayan calendar thing
